
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Principles and best practices

Explore the essentials of Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) in this whitepaper and discover how to optimize your designs for 3D printing. This white paper provides an overview of best practices for creating innovative, high-performance parts, while using the most advanced CAD tools to capitalize on the benefits brought by this manufacturing technology.

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Learn more about:

  • The context of AM adoption in industry - How Additive Manufacturing stands out and fits into current processes
  • Traditional CAD VS DfAM - From subtraction to addition of materials, which elements should now be considered in the CAD process 
  • Emerging design processes with AM - What new design concepts must be used to take advantage of AF
  • Challenges and future outlook - An overview of the persistent challenges and future prospects associated with the use of CAD for Additive Manufacturing
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YES, the whitepaper can be downloaded free of charge. We are happy to share our knowledge with you. If you are looking for a NX CAM partner, we hope you will think of JANUS Engineering and contact us.

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Download now and discover best practices for DfAM !